Office of Equity Workshop Offerings 2021-2022
A) Equity 101: What you need to know
- Intended audience(s): Students, faculty, staff, and third parties
- Duration: 30-45 minutes
- This engaging workshop provides an overview of individuals' rights, responsibilities, and options under the University's Policies on Institutional Equity, which includes protections from Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct. For staff, faculty, and others, including students, who are paid by the University, this session can include a discussion of responsible employee reporting obligations, including where and how to report, responding to disclosures of harassment, discrimination, and sexual misconduct, and how to talk with students and colleagues about your reporting obligations.
B) Responsible Employee 101: Navigating Your Reporting Obligations with Empathy and Care
- Intended audience(s): Students, faculty, staff, and third parties
- Duration: 60-90 minutes
- This workshop will deepen participants understanding of the responsible employee duties, policies implemented through the Office of Equity, and reporting options. Facilitator(s) will share some trauma informed strategies for responding to disclosures as well as resources for sharing your responsible employee obligation with other students.
C) Preventing and Addressing Harm in Student Organizations
- Intended audience(s): Student organizations and groups
- Duration: 60-90 minutes
-This dialogue-based workshop asks student group members to engage with each other to communally identify how conflict and harm rooted in microaggressions may be manifesting itself in their student group/organization, and provides space to explore ways of responding. Dialogue-based work will explore: What is harm? What is the difference between conflict and harm? How can we address conflict and harm when experienced in our student organization? How can we prevent harm from showing up in our student organization?
D) Framework and Tools for Interrupting Harm
- Intended audience(s): Students, faculty, staff, and third parties
- Duration: 90 minutes
- This fast-paced, engaging workshop uses a multi-media approach to explore the concepts of power, privilege, and microaggressions, and how they show up in our work. The facilitator will share several intervention strategies, and guide participants through case studies designed to help them identify harm in the moment and practice intervening to prevent or remedy harm in real-world scenarios.
E) Cultivating Gender Inclusive Spaces
- Intended audience(s):Faculty and staff
- Duration: 60-90 minutes
- This interactive workshop will provide participants with vocabulary, concepts, and frameworks to understand how to support community members of all genders. Participants will build skills and best practices for realizing true inclusion centering gender and gender expression. If you are seeking a more in-depth training about gender and/or sexuality, please visit this site to learn more about the University's LGBTQIA+ Ally Training