2024-25 Assistant Chair Application
2024-25 Assistant Chair Application
All applications must be received by 4 pm, on Wednesday, May 1st, 2024.
NU Student ID# (If not yet enrolled, enter NA)
Please list the best time(s) of the day to reach you? (Include your time zone):
Department of Study (Current or Anticipated)
What year of your degree program will you be in as of fall 2024?
What year of your degree program will you be in as of fall 2024?
First year
Second year
Third year
Fourth year
Fifth year
Enter two references who can speak about you in a context relevant to this position. (Northwestern faculty or staff are preferred but not required.)
Name, Title/Organization, Phone, Email:
Name, Title/Organization, Phone, Email
Please share with us your level of familiarity with the Northwestern campus and/or Evanston?
In which residential college(s) are you interested?
In which residential college(s) are you interested?
Residential College of Science & Engineering at Slivka Hall
Willard Residential College
Residential College of Cultural and Community Studies
ALL available openings
Please answer the following questions.
1. What experience have you had working with undergraduate students or other young adults, and how has it influenced you? If you have not had previous experience, why are you interested in this kind of work?
2. Please describe any administrative experience you have had that relates to aspects of this position.
3. Where did you live when you were in college? (e.g., residence hall, fraternity, sorority, at home, off-campus). Did you work while you were in college? If so, where?
4. How familiar are you with Northwestern's residential colleges? In what ways do you think residential colleges differ from traditional residence halls?
5. If you are hired as an Assistant Chair, do you plan to hold any other appointments/positions (e.g., teaching, research assistantship) as well? If so, please describe it and the approximate weekly time commitment.
6. Why are you interested in the college(s) selected? What do you feel you could contribute to the life of that particular college? Do you have any specific expertise or experience that would relate to working in that college?
7. What do you plan to do after you finish graduate work at Northwestern? Is this position related to your career plans and long term goals? If so, please describe the connection.
By checking this box, I certify that this appointment does not violate any rules and regulations of other funding that I am receiving.